丹麦泛声FA shion影音源于一九八六年,诞生于丹麦维堡州。FA shion产品秉承丹麦民族文化的沉淀及民族历史的性格,是目前声音派系代表中“丹麦声”的代表产品。将发达的现代文明和悠久的古代历史特性隔入产品和声乐表现设计,产品既有深厚的人文底蕴气息、又有现代化设计感,以声乐还原真实著称。
FA shion影音产品在声学领域上共获得全球138项技术专利,目前是家庭影院订制安装行业首选产品。该品牌在定制沉浸式音效拥有众多的经验与独特技术。是目前沉浸式影院音效的引领者。
Danish pan sound FA ship was born in danmaiviburg in 1986. FA ship products are the representative products of Dansheng in the representative of sound faction, which is based on the sedimentation of Danish national culture and the character of national history. The product has not only profound humanistic atmosphere, but also modern design sense, and is famous for the return of the real music.
Product features: soft, delicate, warm, medium and high frequency transparent
FA ship audio and video products have obtained 138 technical patents in the field of acoustics, and are currently the preferred products in the customized installation industry of home cinema. The brand has many experience and unique technology in customized immersion sound effect. Is the current immersion theater sound effect leader